Friday, January 28, 2011
2 Much Fun!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Riley's Gotcha Day and Flowers from My Friend
I wanted to share a picture of the flowers my sweet friend, Denise sent me. I have them on my dresser here in my bedroom and they really brighten the room and my spirits. Isn't she awesome??!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Riding the Bus!
I'm Home and Got An Award

Monday, January 24, 2011
Monday is Here
The next picture is of my sweet little Sophie dog. She has found herself a spot up on my pile of "hidden" scraps. Poor dog!! lol You know she can't be comfortable because that is a pile of paper she is laying on (vertical paper).
I couldn't help sharing it with you even though it shows what a mess my area is because she just looks so cute lying there.
How does your scrap area look? Are messy like me or organized?? If you are organized can you give me any good ideas on how to get organized in this space??
Leave me a few comments...I'm sure I am laying in bed bored.....(recovering)
Friday, January 21, 2011
Stacy's Surgery
Just a quick note to let you know that Stacy has had her surgery and that the doctor was pleased and everything went well.
Friday is Here!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Ready for the Next Round
Monday, January 17, 2011
Love You
I hope you had a great weekend. It is now Monday and I am going to share a double layout I made last weekend.
I started this layout while I was at CKC in Seattle. I decided to finish it up last weekend so that I would have a few things ready to post while I was down after here you go.
I actually started these layouts in an inking that is why there is so much ink around the pages!! ha
They are pictures of my baby girl. She is hanging out in my office and has turned over a cardboard box and made it into her own writing desk. I thought she looked cute so I took the pictures. She also told me to take her picture!! ha
She is a pistol!! She is such fun...I am going to be missing her while she is in school. I sure hope she did well at school again today!! It is all so new to her but she does love, love, love the playground!! ha
Don't forget that the Bling On 2011 is going on at Sketches4you. My challenge is still going too on until the 19th so go check it out.
Hope you have a wonderful Monday!!
Friday, January 14, 2011
My Son...The Scrapper!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Surprise Surgery
Monday, January 10, 2011
Monday, Monday

Karen has Kandy
Friday, January 7, 2011
Glimmer Mist and Bling!
I have just finished doing the Flaunt it Friday Hello Kitty Blog Hop.
But it was also so fun to see every one's creations and get inspired.
I finally finished up a layout I started last night. I was over at Sketches4you looking around and saw the Bling On 2011 Pre-challenge offered by Christy.
Her challenge is to use glimmer mist or sequins on a paper creation.
I was really excited to do this challenge because I took a Glimmer Mist class at the Seattle CKC and did this great technique that saturates the paper and looks kind of like tie die.
I just love the look so much. I got out my Glimmer Mist and went crazy spraying my white card stock. You just soak the paper with the different colors and then take a paper towel and blot up the excess spray off the paper.
After I let it dry I started out trying to use a sketch but that really didn't work out for me. I didn't really want to cover up that much of the paper.
I used a b/w photo of my dd. I thought it would be a good contrast to all the color on the paper.
I messed around with it and adhered some things but never really liked it. I pulled everything off of it I could and I put it aside until this morning and sent a picture of it off to my buddy, Denise with an SOS. I just needed some inspiration. Her suggestion was "glimmer mist some flowers".
And that was all it took. I got out some white Prima flowers and sprayed the heck out of them. Since this is for the Bling on 2011 event, I figured some bling was in order too. And then of course you need crystal Stickles on it... (don't you need crystal Stickles on everything?? lol) I had a cute butterfly border edge piece that I cut up and added. Finally, I came up with my title and voila!
I love it. What do you think??
Now for a funny...
This Christmas I decided to set up a little scrap space in Oklahoma with supplies so that I wouldn't have to cart them back and forth every time we visited (which is all the time). I brought some things from home and I asked for a few things for Christmas.
One of the things I asked for was a stapler. I asked my mom to get me a stapler and asked her to have it be a longer one... so I could reach farther across my layouts to staple.
This is what she got me.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL This stapler has a 12 1/2 inches long reach!!!!!!!!!! It is hilarious! But cool too. I had to take it home with me! HA
So now I still need a stapler for Oklahoma...
Anyone have any fun plans this weekend?? We have nothing planned and I am thrilled about it! Maybe I will be able to scrap, organize my scrap stuff, play with the kids, spend time with my husband, read...etc etc.
By the way, I didn't make a card with my scraps...because I had no So I am still doing great with my self challenge!! woo hoo
Have a blessed weekend!!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Odd Card And January Calendar Page
Sassy Lil Sketches Last Sketch for December - DONE

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
My Card Challenge at Sketches4you

Monday, January 3, 2011
I Picked Two!
Here I am back home in Nevada where I just picked the winner of my blog candy.
I wanted to show you what the winner was getting. I think I kind of went overboard but I was feeling the holiday spirit so what can I say!!??
Here is what is going to be in the box of this very lucky winner:
1) Salvage Stickers
a)Seasonal -138 stickers
b)Lost & Found - 379 stickers
c) Alphas & Numbers - 214 stickers
2) Grunge Paper - 6 sheets
3) Paper Layers (the only thing not Tim Holtz)
b) Vintage
c) Scarlett (all 3 have 3 book sheets and 3 music sheets)
4)Visual Artistry Clear Stamps (8 Stamps)
5)Stampers Anonymous rubber stamps - Going Someplace (12 stamps)
6) Adage Tickets - 96 tickets
7) Journaling tickets - 24 tickets
8) Ornate Plates - 6 book plates, 12 fasteners
9) Distress Ink pads
a)Forest Moss
b) Tumbled Glass
c) Barn Door
10) Configurations Framed Box - 6.75x8.75
11)Mini Masks
a) Regal
b) Florets
12) Trimmings - Lavish
13) Tissue Tape
a) Symphony
b) Nostalgic
c) Market Place
14) Word Sticks - 12 words
15) Philosophy Tags - 12 tags
16) Type Charms - 16 charms, 32 Alpha stickers, 16 Epoxy stickers
17) Baubles - 19
18) Adornments - 8 Charms
19) Distress Crackle Paint - Clear Rock Candy
20) Lace Chain - 2-36 in chains, 8 jump rings, 4 closures
21) Locket Keys - 4 keys, 4 keyholes, 8 fasteners
22) Mini Paper Clips - 48
23) Hinge Clips - 15
24) Ball Chain - 3-36 inch chains, 18 connectors
25) Foliage - 12 flowers, 6 leaves, 18 fasteners
26) Muse Tokens -12
27) Memo Pins -30
Can I just say for you....WOW!!!
I actually went a little crazy didn't I?? I found that I had gotten a few duplicates and since there was so much I decided to put these duplicates into a second "mini" candy for a 2nd winner.
So I have actually drawn 2 names....
Aren't you dying to know who they are????!!!!!!
The winner of the big, main candy is Michelle H.
who said:
"Hi Stacy!!
I'm a follower now will share about your giveaway on Tuesday nights post!!
Thanks for your sweet words on my blog!@
Hope you have a great day"
Congratulations Michelle H.!!!!!!!!!!!
Email me at with your address so I can pop these goodies in the mail to you.
The winner of my mini candy is...........Frea
who said:
"Hi Stacy, aren't we getting spoiled rotten here!! I LOVE IT!! Well, a follower I am so there's no gain for you there LOL! Gee, something interesting about me, I'm not that interesting I about the fact that I have a motorcycle licence and have driven my own Honda Shadow Chopper 700cc until 2 months ago?! That is something bloggers don't know about me. Kinda cool don't you think!? I just sold my motorbike to a friend, because I didn't take it out often enough anymore. But my hubby still owns a BMW motorcycle so I do tag along with him still. Going byking in Italy next May for 2 weeks!! Hugs, Frea"
Congratulations FREA!!
Frea, email me your address so I can mail you your goodies!!
You guys have until January 10th to email me - then I will pick another winner.
So there you have it my two winners. If you didn't enter...aren't you a little sad??!! lol It could have been you....maybe next time.
Happy New Years to all my sweet followers (and the not so sweet ones too!! LOL)!! I hope that 2011 is a very good year for you all. Hugs!!
Saturday, January 1, 2011

***New ending date....****
Sunday January 2, 2011.
I will post a winner on Monday, January 3rd.
(because of bad weather my travel plans changed and I am now on the road driving back home to Nevada)
I promised something special for December and....drum roll........ here is it....
I am starting it today, December 1st and it will end 11:59pm on December 31st.
I will pick a winner on New Years Day (January 1, 2011).
I don't have a picture yet of my goodies but.....if you have entered before you know that my Giveaways are packed with goodness. You won't want to miss out.
Could be more Tim Holtz stuff, could be a mix...but whatever it is it will be something you will want.
Do the normal things...
1) Comment on this post. Tell me something interesting about yourself.
2) Follow me if you want... I would love it if you did. My kids check my blog everyday to see if I have new followers and are so excited if the number of my followers has gone up!! ha
3) Post about the giveaway and link back to me from your blog.
That's all you have to do.
It is my little Holiday Season present for you.
Still no picture but I have gone shopping....and I'm pretty sure Tim Holtz products ended up in my start getting excited!!