Sorry nothing new from me. I'm sick. I've been sick for 4 days and can't stand it any longer. I am finally giving in and going to the doctor today.
I hope all is well with you guys.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Viva Las Vegas.
The Harvest Festival is like a carnival and it is used for fun and to help raise money for our school.
Kids had a blast and there was an Elvis sitting....(my neighbor) lol.
Each child's class fills a basket with goodies and they are auctioned off. We went home with two of them! One was filled with Legos and the other with Hot Wheels. The kids have been busy with them all day!! lol
I spent part of my day actually scrapping!!!!!!!! Can you believe it?? It has been so long I almost forgot how. (jk)
I made a layout for Scrap Our Stash but I can't post it here until they post it you can look forward to seeing that in the near future.
I also made two cards. One just because I wanted to use my Cuttlebug and one for a card challenge at Sketches4you. It is Dannette's Card Sketch Challenge. I used my Doodlebug scraps from my SoS layout so it went pretty fast. I am showing you the one I did for Dannette's challenge.
Hope you are having a scrappy Saturday!
Feline Playful Blog Candy
Karen at Feline Playful is having a celebration!
She has reached 500 followers and would like to give her followers a chance to win some candy. You should go check out her blog!
Just look at all that yummy goodness!!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Woo Hoo!! I reached 600 followers today!!!
I logged on to just check things out and this is what I saw!
I know I was excited when I reached 500 and said I was probably going to add something to my Blog Candy Giveaway. And have not gotten around to doing it yet.
Welllllllll......I have decided that I need to do something extra special to thank all my followers!!
Especially since I have been so crazy busy lately that I haven't even been posting anything interesting to look at!!!!!!!!!!
This kind of happened to me as a surprise so I don't really have anything pre-planned.
So here is my idea....
I am going to pick an additional 6 names on November 1st and send a small rak to each of you. What I send will be a surprise but it will be a good one. Not as much as the main prize but still definitely worth getting.
And I will still pick the first name for the original Big Candy Giveaway.
So now 7 people will be getting candy from me. You will have to follow the same rules as posted on my blog candy giveaway. (this includes commenting on the actual candy post)
And after I post the names of the winners you will have to email me your mailing address by November 7th or I will draw another name to replace yours.
So there you go...exciting news!!
Thank you so much for being such great followers!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
My Goddaughter is Married!!
I know you are all waiting with baited breathe for my next awesome scrappy creation....well.....too bad...(jk)
I haven't done anything for over a WEEK!
I have been way, way too busy!
This weekend my husband and I went to California to my Goddaughter's wedding in Auburn.
It was gorgeous! She was gorgeous! The weather was gorgeous! (do you see a theme here? lol)
She couldn't have asked for better weather or a better location and view. And, WOW, was she so beautiful! Look at the pictures and tell me if you don't agree...
And then on Sunday my husband and I went to Amador County to spend the night at a Bed and Breakfast with some of our best friends who live in San Francisco. (Mike and Holly)
They drove up to meet us in Dry Town on Sunday and we spent the day wine tasting.
We checked into our B & B in the early evening and then went to a fab dinner at a cool restaurant called Taste. YUM!
Getting there was a bit tricky. It was a cool, foggy, dark (super dark) night and Holly's phones GPS basically sent us out to a empty field in the middle of nowhere... It was just like it was out of a scary movie!
We did eventually find out way to the restaurant safely and had an awesome dinner.
We flew home this afternoon.
My plan is to make something scrappy tomorrow...(really...that is my plan) and if I actually get something made I will post it for your viewing pleasure!
I hope everyone had as nice a weekend as we did.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Marlene has Candy!!

Hello everyone,
Why are you here instead of at Marlene's blog reading all of her snarkiness and looking at her wonderful art?!!
Marlene is one of the funniest woman out there writing a blog today and she is a wonderful artist too. Her blog is not to be missed!
And if her awesomeness isn't enough....she is giving away CANDY!! You all should rush over to sign up to follow her and then you will definitely want to follow her. She is the best!
And she is sweet too. See this card pinned up on the wall by my desk??!! She made this Zombie card which is hysterical and posted it on her blog.
I looked at it and couldn't stop laughing. I commented (as you all should be doing, because that is what bloggers live and told her how much I loved it and that she needed to send it to me so I could pin it up on my wall and look at it and laugh.....
And what did she do??!! She sent it to me!
So here it is pinned to my wall and I am smiling just typing about it. So see what good karma she is sending out??
You should look at her card in the second picture up close. It is not only funny but really gorgeous in person.
Anyway, go check her out. You will be happy you did. And you might even win some candy!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
"That Layout"

My friend, Denise is having a blog candy giveaway on her blog. She is giving away some super yummy stuff. She has an awesome blog that you should be following anyway so go check it out!!
I am now on the DT at Scrap Our Stash
The challenge this month is to do "That Layout". The one that you have put off doing for whatever reason. This is a great little push to help you get it done.
I chose to do a layout about my dog, Tucker, who died last year. When he died it was just too fresh and hard to think of doing anything. It has been a year and it was still hard (I cried the whole time I was scrapping) but it was doable. And now I have a nice page to help honor his memory.
I am a major "dog person" and this dog was my kid before I had kids and he was my kid until the day he died. (he is still my kid) If you aren't this kind of dog person you will probably think I am a little silly but that is okay. I loved him and he loved me. And I am glad he was in my life for 14 years. And if love could have kept him alive he would have lived forever.
I used paper from Basic Grey's Max and Whiskers and some Sassafras Lass Alphas for the title work. I used a Sassafras Lass Stamp and a Basic Grey stamp with some brown Ranger Archival ink. And the sketch is from Sketches in Thyme
I made the leaves by stamping the leaf pattern on my pp and then I used my bone folder to outline the veins and then folded each vein to give the leaves depth and dimension.
I would like to encourage you to go over to Scrap Our Stash and check out all the great creations that people are doing for this challenge. And use this challenge to encourage yourself to do "That Layout".
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Georgie's 3!
My sweet daughter, Georgia turned 3 today! Just thought I would share a picture of her and her brother. I can't believe she is already 3!
That child is really a pistol!! We are so very lucky!!
I am also sharing a picture of all the kids in front of Chuck E Cheese's. We went there this week for a fund raiser for their school.
I am sharing the picture because they are all looking at the camera and most are smiling...(that never happens!! lol)
And.... I am finally posting some scrappy stuff!!
I made this layout for our DT sketch at Sketches4you.
I used an old picture of my son and daughter that I think is sweet. My son is actually 2 years older than my daughter but they were around the same height at the time of the picture....she towers over him now!
I still haven't gotten the time to put together my little extra goodie for my blog candy. Keep your eye on my is coming soon...hopefully! lol
We are still cleaning and decluttering....did I mention I had 5 kids??!!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sorry to have been gone so long but we are doing heavy duty cleaning and decluttering at my house this week and we started on Friday. With 5 kids the junk just piles up and since we are putting our house on the market to sell we need to make it look nice. My sister was sweet enough to come out and help me. And thank goodness for her because there is a ton to do and she is a super high energy happy go getter! (why is it that she is the only one who got all of that??! ha) (couldn't she share a little??!! lol) Here's a picture of that sweet little helper!
Anyway, I did a couple of layouts before we started cleaning but they are both not posting until Monday so you will have to wait to see anything new on my blog until tomorrow.
I am also excited to see that I have passed 500 followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!! I'm so excited - I might have a little something extra to add to my blog candy giveaway!! So be sure and check back tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
My Card for You

Here is my project for today. A card. I made it for 3 different challenge. The first is for the card sketch challenge at Sassylilsketches It is a fun sketch to work with.
My second challenge was a color challenge at Sketches4you This part of the challenge was harder for me. I couldn't seem to find papers that worked. I eventually came up with these papers and am not 100% sure I like it.
My last challenge was Denise's Let's Ink Challenge for October.
Denise's challenge was to make a Halloween card or layout and you must use at least two different stamps and inks.
So here you have it. Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sketch A Thon is Over

The Sketch A Thon (SAT) has finally ended at Sketches4you and the Queen was announced.....
Jose H. is Queen
2nd place winner is Kelly Massman!
Congratulations to both girls!! They did mostly doubles of every challenge sketch offered!!!
The winners of my individual SAT sketch challenge #12 were
Kelly Massman (if you enter every challenge twice your chances of winning definitely go up!! lol)
Erin Reed!!
They are still posting all the individual Sketch challenge if you entered you should go over and check it out.
I am posting a layout that I made for Scrap Our Stash. It was for their "Pagerize This" challenge. I was supposed to scraplift Joni's layout - this awesome Rockin Surfer layout!!....
I decided to make it a Christmas themed layout because I needed a break from fall (LOL).
You can still participate in the Pagerize This challenge at Scrap Our Stash
Happy Scrapping!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Weekend Off

Hope you didn't miss me too much this weekend. I took a little blog break. But I am back today with a new layout to show you.
The Sketch A Thon ends today at sketches4you. I already did all the sketches for the Sketch A Thon so I decided to do a layout and combine 3 new challenges at S4U.
The first challenge was by Brenda. Her challenge was to make this flower. She gave a link to her tutorial and challenged us to make the flower and incorporate it on a paper craft. It was fun and easy to make so you should go check out that tutorial and make some of your own.
The second challenge was by Christy S. Her challenge is to wrap string, yarn or embroidery floss around paper on your layout. I had some fun Halloween string and wrapped it around some paper on this layout. Easy challenge. Check it out!!
And the last challenge was from Fia. It is a sketch challenge for the October Scrap Girl Of the Month (SGOTM). It is a super cute sketch and was a joy to use.
I used a Halloween picture of my son that I LOVE! He is looking so cool in the picture! I think he rocks a mohawk! lol I'm the one who told him to get one!! I know...I'm a crazy mom...
I picked out the costume because it was the day before Halloween and he still hadn't told me what he wanted to be dressed as. It was from the movie Blade and he is a vampire hunter. He LOVED it!! All the kids wanted to wear it. And have a million times since then! lol
Most of the stuff I used was from a kit from Making Memories that I got for super cheap at Scenic Route. The paper from the flower is from My Minds Eye Halloween Scary Sparkles paper pad.
After the busy month at S4U, I decided to take the weekend off. And I didn't hardly even go into my office/craft space this weekend. It didn't hurt that I have been feeling a little sick and didn't really feel like scrapping (or doing anything else for that matter). I'm feeling a bit better today.
Well, it is crazy here because we have movers packing and loading stuff for my husband to take to Minnesota. Until we sell our house, he will be commuting and he rented an apartment there for when he is in town working. So, he needs STUFF. His car left on a truck Friday. (luckily we have a "spare" car for him to drive here)
So he is getting all set up. We are interviewing another realtor today. We weren't sure we were sold on the other two who interviewed with us. So, another meet, greet, and show around this afternoon.
Busy day.
Hope your day is filled with good things!
Friday, October 1, 2010
4 Things to know.....

First - The Sketch A Thon is almost over at Sketches4you (link on sidebar). You still have time to enter in any of the sketch contests you can get done. It ends on Monday, October 4th. So, go check it out and maybe win some prizes!!
Second - Fia is having a Halloween Party at Sketches4you (link on sidebar) She started it today and posted a fun sketch. You don't have to actually use a Halloween picture, just use Halloween colors. Here is the sketch and the layout I made for it today.
I used My Minds Eye "Boo to You" paper and embellies and some Alpha stickers from Scenic Route. I added sparkle with crystal Stickles.
Third - I have posted a new Card Challenge at Sketches4you (link on sidebar -see a trend?? lol) You have to made a card following this pagemaps sketch and the kicker is that you must use a toilet tissue roll on it in some way!!!
I used my TP roll to make a gift card holder for the front of my card.
I covered it with patterned paper from DCWV Citrus Stack. I used some Prima flowers, ribbon from my stash, a cute stamp I just got from Sassafras Lass and finally I punched some card stock with my birthday punch from Martha Stewart. (LOVE IT!)
I wish you would all come join in my card challenge this month...I will be giving out a really nice RAK to the winner. This challenge last until Oct 14th by 11:59pm PST.
And my last and best news is that I was asked to be on the Design Team for Scrap Our Stash
I said yes. I mean...what an honor! It is a really fun sight with some great challenges and awesome people so come over there and join me in the challenges too.
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