Fia at Sketches4you has a sketch challenge going right now and I made this layout from a picture I took of the kids at the zoo last week. I think some times I am too literal with using sketches. I really had fun making this layout and even made the large flower in the corner myself.
I distressed the papers and the edges of the flowers and am combining this with a challenge by Denise at Pages in Time. You should go there and enter her challenge. All you have to do is have something distressed on your layout. That should be easy.
I am in a bit of a scrapping funk right now. Not sure why. I am in the mood to scrap but can't seem to get inspired....any ideas ladies?? I am sure part of my problem is being away from home and my familiar scrapping surroundings.
And on to a different subject, tomorrow is my husbands birthday and we are going to go out to lunch and to a museum and then have a family party at dinner. I will take my camera along and see what I can come up with.
The colors you choose are perfect for your layout girl! I love the flowers you used. Hope you pull yourself out of your scrap funk soon. Sometimes, just scrapbooking gets you out so try pushing through it. Thanks for talking about my challenge on Pages in Time! You rock!