Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sassy Lil Sketches August 28th Sketch

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sassy Lil Sketches Blog Hop Sketches...

Sunday Sunday
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Saturday 2nd Post
See I told you I was going to post something else today.
I have been a scrapping fool today. So far I have made 4 cards and 2 layouts.
This one is for the August Sketch Crazy sketch #2 at Sketches4you. I used a picture I took on our RV trip to OK last week.
The kids were in the upper bunk of the RV playing behind the curtain. They really had a good time on our trip. It was a "last hurrah" for them before they start back to school on Monday.
I scrap lifted the ribbon idea from Teresa Jaye's blog...you should go check her out. She has tons of great ideas on her blog. http://teresajaye.blogspot.com/
Okay, that's all for now..lol I want to get back to scrapping...more later...
Back Home and Ready to Scrap
Happy Saturday. My children and I arrived home late yesterday from our trip back to Oklahoma. The drive was pretty smooth and the kids were pretty good so it was all in all a satisfying trip.
Now to get back into my regular mode of scrapping and posting my creations! I am planning to finish up here on the computer and scrap for a few hours and then post something for you to enjoy. So come back in a few hours and see what I made.
I am really in the holiday mood and starting to "feel" fall even though I live in Vegas were it is SUPER HOT! lol
I received several fun scrappy things for my birthday last week and can't wait to go make something with them. Plan to see flowers...tons of flowers...because I got tons of flowers for my bday! LOL
I want to thank everyone who sent me such kind birthday wishes and for everyone who joined in on my TH blog candy giveaway and pledged to follow me. I will do my best to make your visits to my blog worthwhile!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Winners Announced of the Tim Holtz Blog Candy!!!
Drum roll please............the first winner is.... Bearcrazyman who said...What a great give away. All linked up here.Stephen- Bearcrazyman http://bearcrazyman.blogspot.com
Stephen, please email me your address and I will get your goodies in the mail... scrapwithstacy@gmail.com
And for my second drawing.....the winner is.....Khristen who said...http://khristenscraftroom.blogspot.com/2010/08/happy-sunday-tim-holtz-giveaway.html What a great giveaway!
If you would both email me your addresses I will get your prizes in the mail. You will have until Monday August 30th to send them to me after that I will choose another winner.
I wish I could have given out even more stuff for everyone. Thanks so much for participating in my blog candy. I have had so much fun checking out all the blogs and reading all the comments to me. And I really hope to keep seeing you visit my blog and commenting on my creations.
Happy Birthday from me!!
Hijacking Stacy's Blog
Monday, August 23, 2010
Candy Still Open...Sign Up and Follow Me....
I am hoping to reach 300 followers and only have 4 more to go...
I can't wait to pick my winners and give away my birthday presents! Thanks for checking out my blog and following.
Until tomorrow....
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tim Holtz Blog Candy Giveaway!!!!!
I was looking at my blog and noticed that since I started this blog in March I have had more than a 1000 hits! Pretty amazing and exciting.
As a way to celebrate that and because August is my birthday month I have decided to give away a few special presents to one lucky winner!!
What am I giving away you ask??(!)
I am giving one lucky person a awesome blog candy of Tim Holtz products!!! What!!...you exclaim......Oh my goodness....you scream.... (lol)
Since TH is such hot property right now I just thought I would give you what you want!
Here is what I have for the lucky winner...
1- Film Strip Ribbon (Idea-ology)
1 - Muse Tokens (12 tokens)
1 pkg - 48 Charm Fragments
1 pkg - Grunge Flakes - Stampers Anonymous Stamps
1 pkg - Journaling Tickets - (Idea-ology)
1 pkg - Grungeboard - Basics - Plain (10 sheets)
1 pkg - Grungeboard - Plain Elements (94 shapes)
1 pkg - 3 sheets of 12x12 Grunge Paper
1 pkg - Ruler Ribbon (36 inches)
1 pkg - Timeworks Masks (5 pieces)
2 pads - Distress Ink (Brushed Corduroy and Frayed Burlap)
1 pkg - Tissue Tape -Symphony (2 rolls- 16 yards each)
There you go - a FAB CANDY if I do say so myself!!!!
So now I bet you are asking...."Stacy, how do I get in on this great giveaway??"
Just do the usual..... 1) Become a follower
2) Post about my Giveaway on your blog.
3) Post a link back to this contest on your blog and keep it there until this contest is over.
4) Leave a comment here with a link to your blog.
5) Do all this before 11:59pm on August 23, 2010
**(If you don't have a blog - just become a follower and leave a comment. Be sure to check back on the 24th to see if you have won because I won't have a way to contact you)
That's all. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!
I will chose a winner using True Random Generator on August 24th (my birthday) and post it here on my blog. You will have 7 days to contact me about winning. After 7 days I will pick a new winner.
Good Luck!!
This Blog Candy is going so well that I now have over 100 followers!! (woo hoo!!) So, I decided since you were giving me that present that I should maybe give out a 2nd RAK as a thank you!!!
On August 24th after I pick the first winner of the first RAK...I will then pick a 2nd winner for a second RAK!!
And here is a picture of the second RAK and here is what is includes:
1-pkg -Visual Artistry Stampers Anonymous Stamps
1 - pkg- Numerals (11 numbers, 22 fasteners)
1- pkg - KeyHoles (5 keyholes, 10 long fasteners)
1 - pkg - Philosophy Tags (12 tags)
1 - pkg - Swivel Clasps (12 clasps)
1 - pkg - Flourish Mask (1 piece)
Smaller but still ALL TIM!!
Stacy H-W
Blakes 4th Birthday!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Lala's i-rock giveaway!

I made it to Oklahoma and spent the day moving someone...
The car I am driving has no air conditioner working in it and it is 100+ degree F here!! Super hot day - I thought I was going to melt! lol
I drove here in my RV and it is a little cumbersome to drive around so I am borrowing the hot car! lol
I am too tired today to scrap but wanted to let you know that my friend, Denise-
is having an i-rock giveaway on her blog.
The funny thing is that I saw the i-rock at the store and rushed and bought it for her (and me) and then popped it in the mail....but since it is my birthday this coming week she saw it at her store and bought me an i-rock and then came to visit and realized that she now had extra i-rocks! lol (great minds and all that...lol)
So, one of you guys could score an i-rock from our eagerness!!
I LOVE mine and I am sure you would love it too. Go check her blog out anyway...she rocks it everyday!!
More scrapping tomorrow...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sassy Card Sketch!!
It is a nice day here in Las Vegas...by nice, I mean sunny and hot and the kids are in a good mood! lol
I made this card yesterday. I used the Sassy Lil Sketches card challenge sketch which I LOVE! And I did an Ink Challenge for Denise's Let's Ink at Sketches4you.
It is a fun technique. You emboss and then ink over it.... The first one I did I used orange paper and it turned out very UGLY! lol I think re-doing it with white paper helped.
I like how it turned out...what do you think? Have you done this type of technique before?
I am working on another card right now...so keep your eye out for it... It is for a challenge to make an differently shaped card. Now aren't you curious??

Monday, August 16, 2010
Monday Funday
Limited Edition Workbox Giveaway

Sunday, August 15, 2010
New Card Challenge - Birthday

Saturday, August 14, 2010
Denise is coming, Denise is coming...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Rose Blossom Legacies Blog Candy
More Yummy Goodness

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Kids Inspired
Life and Times of a 12x12 Addict Giveaways

Really Reasonable Ribbon Candy
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
2nd Candy Added

Monday, August 9, 2010
Challenges Galore.

Saturday, August 7, 2010
1st Layout of My Wedding
Friday, August 6, 2010
Cards for Fia and Christy
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Really Last Minute

Sassy Lil Sketches Last Second